Are you considering upgrading a few of the windows in your home? If so, you’re at the right place. In this article, we’ve covered four areas you can consider for your new windows: the kitchen, the garage, the in-law suite, and the sunroom. Review the list below to learn more about the advantages of each!


The kitchen is a crucial room in any household. The space is where chores, such as cleaning and cooking, are done daily, along with where guests are prone to visiting when they come over. Since this room is such a focal point, you want to make sure you have only the best products in it, including windows. New kitchen windows can improve safety, increase energy efficiency, and improve aesthetics.


When you wake up in the morning, one of the first things you do is look outside. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had top-of-the-line windows to greet you? New windows can help your bedroom feel luxurious and, if you increase the size, can bring more light into your bedroom.

In-Law Suites

In-law suites are perfect for family and friends who need to stay at your home but still desire their own space. You want your guests to feel welcome, so investing money into high-quality materials is a must. The right windows only help to create the right ambiance for guests. If you’re wondering which windows would be the best, reach out to our team for a consultation!


Sunrooms are the perfect opportunity to add extra natural light to your home. Of course, the biggest factor to consider for a sunroom is the windows. According to the Department of Energy, windows are responsible for 25% to 30% of residential energy loss. You’ll want sturdy windows to make up your sunroom so that you lose the least amount of energy possible. Make sure that the windows you choose are energy efficient and equipped to regulate temperatures.

Of course, the list above is not comprehensive. If you have a room in your house that is in need of a refresh, new windows are a great way to improve aesthetics, all while potentially improving energy efficiency. If you’re ready to get new windows installed in your home, there’s only one team you need. Contact us today at River Valley Window Company to get started!